
Sunday 20 March 2016

Some Challenges Faced by International Students ''Changing an environment can be hard—but there are ways to overcome each obstacle''. Chukwuocha, Chichem Ijeoma白雨薇 Feb.29,2016.11pm

Some Challenges Faced by International Students
''Changing an environment can be hard—but there are ways to overcome each obstacle''.
Chukwuocha, Chichem Ijeoma白雨薇

Stimulating interest and reducing boredom are important goals for promoting learning achievement. The first semester is an exciting time for international students, but there are some obstacles that naturally arise in a new country and academic environment.
Here, I will try to list some of the challenges international students face on campus, and also offer some tips on how to deal with them 
1. New assignments: In your college courses, you'll likely be graded in many ways: on testspapers, and class participation. For students studying in Xiamen University especially those under the Confucius Scholarship program; passing the H.S.K,, meeting up with other requirements like the 90% target in Exams, research and written assignments can be so tough. 
According to a student, he stated "…when I first came here, I had a problem with research papers and presentations, as I have never written them in high school. I was not familiar with the structure of a paper as well as presentation techniques. It took me a whole term to work both on my own and with people’s help to get a good grade on a paper."
If you're also struggling with writing papers, presentations etc , I suggest you follow the above lead by stopping by your school's writing center or getting yourself acquainted with the right persons who can also help you . You may be able to find free tutoring and help with writing, research, and reading etc. 
2. New Tutors/Lecturers: Many lecturers want learning to be a collaborative experience, and encourage participation from students both in class and during their office hours. For international students who come from academic environments with hands-off instructors, being able to approach faculty members is a cultural change.Therefore I suggest we also consider faculty as our partners in the learning process. As the saying goes, in the home, we lean/depend on our parents, outside we lean and depend on our friends. (在家靠父母,出门靠朋友)That is to say that having left our country and arrived China, in Xiamen university, we have been made to consider that the teachers also as our friends in all ramifications. Therefore, we depend on their love, care and guidance
3. New subjects: The University requires students to take a set of general education on the Chinese language classes regardless of their majors so as to expose them. This can come as a surprise to many international students who expected to see some courses, for example, history, business or engineering courses being attached to the curriculum.
For some of us, when we saw the schedule, we were like, 'Wait, oh my gush ! why do I have to do this? Though most students initially struggled with some of the electives, some came to realize that it is worthwhile. Therefore I urge you to keep an open mind when it comes to courses—you may even discover academic passions you didn't know you had. I think it’s
4. New friends: College life is not restricted to the classroom. A huge part of the college experience happens after class—and for international students, integrating socially can be a hurdle. For instance a student stated that ‘most Chinese students intentionally ignore you, or pretend not to recognize you despite having been with them for some time. They always pretend to be busier than the bee’.
"A lot of [international students] say, 'Man, I want to integrate and just experience more of the culture firsthand and have more Chinese friends,' (but they are still ... waiting for the Chinese students to approach them,") Matthew once asked me,why aren't they approaching us?' ''Even though I came halfway across the globe ..., I don't think it was just me," said an student who once faced some challenges as an International Student" The Chinese students should be taught avoid timidity, and draft their programs to accommodate the interests of the International students. In return, the International students should also do their best to win them over. The international students could just go ahead and make that first move.
I suggest that International students should get more involved in activities on campus because it is one way to meet new people—whether in clubs, at the bar, in academic clubs, social organizations, or even at part-time jobs who knows, they can meet the right friends fit for them; then they can also find a diverse group of friends and start to feel at home even on campus.
Most International students always use the words’ boring or uninteresting’ to give reasons why they don’t participate in Chinese organized activities. In Xiamen University, most of the students can also be privileged to work in the university on part-time basis.

5. New food:  it's a trend relatively common among the International students who aren't accustomed to daily meals especially the Chinese menu. For international students, adapting to new food with unfamiliar tastes and in unlimited quantities can be especially challenging.
I really would not like to stress more on this because virtually all International students have complaints as regards what they call ‘the Canteen food’ They always see it as awkward especially when they are asked to surrender their hot plates.etc. They also feel that there is need to make adequate provisions for a kitchen especially in Xiamen University or what can be called an African Canteen.
I suggest that apart from all these, the college should offer wellness services and nutrition counseling to help some international students identify smart food choices.
6. New culture and Environment: The Chinese culture is distinctive, and very different from others. 
Most International students are too hardened to the culture difference and they really don’t want to accept the obvious fact— Instead, we  should “accept that there is a culture difference, and accept that it is OK,"
As for the environment, some International students who are not so familiar with this type of environment should make haste to adapt; because ‘necessity they say, is the mother of invention’.
I would like to state that'no matter what obstacles you're facing, remember that you're not alone—and you don't have to deal with them on your own. College campuses provide a vast array of resources to students, because the transition can be tricky for anyone'. For intending students of Xiamen University, I want to assure you that we are one. Despite the hurdles, we still feel at home in Xiamen. It has indeed become our second home.

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