
Sunday 20 March 2016

JECXPRX: Some Challenges Faced by International Students''...

JECXPRX: Some Challenges Faced by International Students
: Some Challenges Faced by International Students ''Changing an environment can be hard—but there are ways to overcome each obstacle&...

Some Challenges Faced by International Students ''Changing an environment can be hard—but there are ways to overcome each obstacle''. Chukwuocha, Chichem Ijeoma白雨薇 Feb.29,2016.11pm

Some Challenges Faced by International Students
''Changing an environment can be hard—but there are ways to overcome each obstacle''.
Chukwuocha, Chichem Ijeoma白雨薇

Stimulating interest and reducing boredom are important goals for promoting learning achievement. The first semester is an exciting time for international students, but there are some obstacles that naturally arise in a new country and academic environment.
Here, I will try to list some of the challenges international students face on campus, and also offer some tips on how to deal with them 
1. New assignments: In your college courses, you'll likely be graded in many ways: on testspapers, and class participation. For students studying in Xiamen University especially those under the Confucius Scholarship program; passing the H.S.K,, meeting up with other requirements like the 90% target in Exams, research and written assignments can be so tough. 
According to a student, he stated "…when I first came here, I had a problem with research papers and presentations, as I have never written them in high school. I was not familiar with the structure of a paper as well as presentation techniques. It took me a whole term to work both on my own and with people’s help to get a good grade on a paper."
If you're also struggling with writing papers, presentations etc , I suggest you follow the above lead by stopping by your school's writing center or getting yourself acquainted with the right persons who can also help you . You may be able to find free tutoring and help with writing, research, and reading etc. 
2. New Tutors/Lecturers: Many lecturers want learning to be a collaborative experience, and encourage participation from students both in class and during their office hours. For international students who come from academic environments with hands-off instructors, being able to approach faculty members is a cultural change.Therefore I suggest we also consider faculty as our partners in the learning process. As the saying goes, in the home, we lean/depend on our parents, outside we lean and depend on our friends. (在家靠父母,出门靠朋友)That is to say that having left our country and arrived China, in Xiamen university, we have been made to consider that the teachers also as our friends in all ramifications. Therefore, we depend on their love, care and guidance
3. New subjects: The University requires students to take a set of general education on the Chinese language classes regardless of their majors so as to expose them. This can come as a surprise to many international students who expected to see some courses, for example, history, business or engineering courses being attached to the curriculum.
For some of us, when we saw the schedule, we were like, 'Wait, oh my gush ! why do I have to do this? Though most students initially struggled with some of the electives, some came to realize that it is worthwhile. Therefore I urge you to keep an open mind when it comes to courses—you may even discover academic passions you didn't know you had. I think it’s
4. New friends: College life is not restricted to the classroom. A huge part of the college experience happens after class—and for international students, integrating socially can be a hurdle. For instance a student stated that ‘most Chinese students intentionally ignore you, or pretend not to recognize you despite having been with them for some time. They always pretend to be busier than the bee’.
"A lot of [international students] say, 'Man, I want to integrate and just experience more of the culture firsthand and have more Chinese friends,' (but they are still ... waiting for the Chinese students to approach them,") Matthew once asked me,why aren't they approaching us?' ''Even though I came halfway across the globe ..., I don't think it was just me," said an student who once faced some challenges as an International Student" The Chinese students should be taught avoid timidity, and draft their programs to accommodate the interests of the International students. In return, the International students should also do their best to win them over. The international students could just go ahead and make that first move.
I suggest that International students should get more involved in activities on campus because it is one way to meet new people—whether in clubs, at the bar, in academic clubs, social organizations, or even at part-time jobs who knows, they can meet the right friends fit for them; then they can also find a diverse group of friends and start to feel at home even on campus.
Most International students always use the words’ boring or uninteresting’ to give reasons why they don’t participate in Chinese organized activities. In Xiamen University, most of the students can also be privileged to work in the university on part-time basis.

5. New food:  it's a trend relatively common among the International students who aren't accustomed to daily meals especially the Chinese menu. For international students, adapting to new food with unfamiliar tastes and in unlimited quantities can be especially challenging.
I really would not like to stress more on this because virtually all International students have complaints as regards what they call ‘the Canteen food’ They always see it as awkward especially when they are asked to surrender their hot plates.etc. They also feel that there is need to make adequate provisions for a kitchen especially in Xiamen University or what can be called an African Canteen.
I suggest that apart from all these, the college should offer wellness services and nutrition counseling to help some international students identify smart food choices.
6. New culture and Environment: The Chinese culture is distinctive, and very different from others. 
Most International students are too hardened to the culture difference and they really don’t want to accept the obvious fact— Instead, we  should “accept that there is a culture difference, and accept that it is OK,"
As for the environment, some International students who are not so familiar with this type of environment should make haste to adapt; because ‘necessity they say, is the mother of invention’.
I would like to state that'no matter what obstacles you're facing, remember that you're not alone—and you don't have to deal with them on your own. College campuses provide a vast array of resources to students, because the transition can be tricky for anyone'. For intending students of Xiamen University, I want to assure you that we are one. Despite the hurdles, we still feel at home in Xiamen. It has indeed become our second home.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


There are a few temptations that can ruin your relationship, no matter how strong it appears.Unfortunately, we sometimes have desires that lead to destruction and ruin even the strongest relationships. That’s why I decided to share this list of 7 temptations that can ruin your relationship that you need to be aware of.

When you did something that you know your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife wouldn’t approve of, it can be tempting to
lie to him/her about it. While it can be easy to lie, your lies will haunt you down the road. If you really love each
other, you should never be afraid to tell the truth, no matter how hard it can be. A strong relationship is never based on lies. Remember it.Read also – The Importance of Integrity in Building  Relationships

One of the worst temptations that ruin your relationships is the desire to cheat on your partner. If you are in a
long lasting relationship and you meet another man/woman,everything can become so complicated. The only way to
maintain your relationship strong is to refuse to give into that dangerous temptation, if you really love your partner.

Stealing your partner’s things
When you are in a long term-relationship and you are living together, it can be tempting to steal your partner’s clothes or cash without asking him. While
many couples are okay with it, others are not comfortable. Your boyfriend/husband has the right to know what you take or how much money you take. Don’t take anything without his permission and you will avoid lots of fights.

When you are in a very long-term relationship, you might get jealous of all of the parties and free time your
friends (especially single ones) have. But, don’t allow the temptation of alone time to ruin your relationship.Don’t forget that you can spend time with your friends;
you just need to discuss it with your partner and rearrange your schedule.

Once you have been together for a long time, you may feel so comfortable that you may stop putting effort into
your relationship. While comfort is a great thing, it can be dangerous as well. No matter how long you’ve been together, you still have to put effort into your
relationship to make it last.

When you are in a bad mood, it’s so easy to scream at your partner to let out your emotions, however, he/she could
get hurt and it can lead to numerous fights.Don’t risk upsetting your partner, scream into a pillow if you are
tempted to vent. It may sound funny, but it actually works. Never blame your sweetheart for problems that he/she
didn’t cause. It’s one of the best ways to keep your relationship strong.

Just because you can walk all over him/her,doesn’t mean you should do it. If he/she washes your clothes for you and
makes you breakfast every single morning, let him/her know that his/her hard work is highly appreciated.Treat
your partner with respect and don’t take his/her efforts for granted.It can be hard to keep the relationship strong,
especially if one of the partners put no effort into it. If you want your relationship to stay strong, make sure you don’t act on the aforementioned dangerous desires.
There’s nothing wrong with you, if you have these desires, but just don’t act on them and ensure your partner doesn’t act on them as well. Which one of these desires is the most difficult for you to avoid succumbing to? Do you know any other temptations that can ruin a strong relationship?

Please feel free to comment ,thank you !

Thursday 18 September 2014


The world has changed .The new normal today is of course, defined by global interconnectivity. The 21st century competencies are the new currency of today, and as we all know, one of the most effective ways to prepare our students for global age is through learning other languages, a process that inherently exposes students to diverse world views.
Benefits of studying Chinese Language

Helps strengthen inter-governmental communication and cooperation.
Increases job opportunities for the growing populace.
It also stimulates bilateral trading, tourism, etc in areas/countries with few Chinese immigrants. This can be achieved when the Chinese language is promoted in such countries and method of communication properly established.
Helps with exchanges between Chinese and foreign students, conducts language interactions and provides the student scholarships or summer camps in China, etc.
It is an important platform for educational, cultural cooperation and exchanges, and a bridge to increase friendship between China and other countries, including Nigeria.


  BAI YU WEI  白雨薇 

Friday 13 June 2014

Nigerian gospel singer Kefee dies

Nigerian gospel singer Kefee dies.
Popular Nigerian gospel singer Kefee Obareki Don-Momoh
has reportedly died in a hospital in the United States.Known to her fans as the "Branama Queen", she is believed
to have become ill on a flight to the US about two weeks ago
and fallen into a coma.
Nigerian Entertainment Today published a statement from
her UK manager saying she had died of lung failure.
Married to DJ Teddy Don-Momoh, the star's best-known
hits are Branama and Kokoroko.
Her music career reportedly began at the age of eight when
she sang in a church choir.
"It is with a great sadness but grateful hearts that we
announce the passing to glory due to lungs failure this
morning of our God's mouth piece, chorus leader, daughter,
wife, sister, friend Kefee Branama Queen," Kefee's UK
Manager, Adeline Adelicious Adebayo, said in a statement .

BBC Africa. Nigerian gospel singer Kefee dies
13 June 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014

TAKE HEED MY SON....says a father to his Son .

  Take heed My son, if you keep spending on a woman and she never
asked you if you’re saving or investing, but keeps enjoying the attention, don’t marry her.
2. Please My son, a woman could be a good wife to you, another could
be a good mother to your children but if you find a woman like a mother to you, your children and your family,
please my son, don’t let her go.
3. My son, don’t confine the position of your wife to the kitchen, where did you get that from? Even in our days, we
had farm-lands where they worked every morning .( just like an  office)
4. My son, if I tell you that you’re the head of the house, don’t look at your pocket; look if you will see a smile on your wife’s face.
5. Please son, if you want to have a long life, let your wife take charge of your salary, it will be difficult for her to spend it
when she’s aware of the home needs and bills to pay but if it’s in your care, she will keep  demanding even seem to have be spent.
6. My son, don’t ever beat your woman, the pain in her body is nothing to be compared to the wound you would create in  her heart and that means you may be in trouble living with a wounded woman.
7. My son, now that you’re married, don't  like a  bachelor with your wife least, you will soon be single again.
8. In our days, we had many wives and many children because of our large farm-lands and many harvests, there are hardly any land for farming anymore, so embrace your woman closely.
9. My son, under the Mangoe tree that I  met your mother could be your eateries and restaurants of these days, but know
that the closet thing we did there was to embrace each other.
10. My son, don’t be carried away when you start making
more money, instead of spending on those tiny legs that
never knew how hard you worked to get it, spend it on that
woman that stood by you all along.
11. My son, when I threw little stones or whistled at the
window of your mother father’s house, to call her out, it was
not for sex, it was because I missed her so much.
12. My son, remember, when you say your wife has changed,
there could be something you’ve stopped doing too.
13. My son, your mother, Asake rode the bicycle with me
before I bought that tortoise car outside there, any woman
that won’t endure with you in your little beginning should not
enjoy your riches.
14. My son, don’t compare your wife to any woman, there are
ways she’s enduring you too and has she ever compared you
to any man?
15. My son, there is this thing you people call feminism, well,
if a woman claim to have equal right with you in the house,
divide all the bills into two equal parts, take one part and ask
her to start paying the other part.
16. My son, I met your mother a virgin and I took more yams
to her father, if you don’t meet your wife a virgin, don’t blame
her, what I didn’t tell you is that our women had prestige.
17. My son, I didn’t send your sisters to school because I
was foolish like many to think a female child won’t extend
my family name, please don’t make that mistake, the kind of
female achievers I see nowadays has made the male-gender
an ordinary tag.
18. My son, your mother have once locked up the cloth I was
wearing and almost tore it because she was angry, I did not
raise my hand to beat her because of a day like this, so that I
can be proud to tell you that I never for once beat your
19. My son, in our days, our women had more of natural
beauty, though I wouldn’t lie to you, some had minor painting
of their appellation mostly on their arms, the ones you people
now call tattoo, but don’t forget that they didn’t expose any
part of their body like your women of nowadays.
20. My son, your mother and I are not interested in what
happens in your marriage, try to handle issues without
always coming to us.
21. My son, remember I bought your mother’s first sewing
machine for her, help your wife achieve her dreams just as
you’re pursuing yours.
22. My son, don’t stop taking care of me and your mother,
it’s a secret of growing old and having children to take care
of you too.
23. My son, pray with your family, there is a tomorrow you
don’t know, talk to God that knows everything, everyday.

Saturday 22 March 2014


Chichem ijeoma..
The game of football has risen to occupy a centre stage in the hearts of many. For many it symbolizes relaxation, unification, work, not forgeting stardom. Others regard it as a waste of time , and a misplaced priority. Whichever side one belongs, one thing we all know is that the word 'football'remains a household name;pronounced  by all(directly or indirectlyl)The method is apparently easy to understand except for some hidden intricacies.
Globalization as an evolving trend, has affected this round-leather game. Cases of shady deals, corruption,and obvious oversight on the part of officials has affected so many clubs. Calls to digitalize the process of regulating this game,has given rise to concepts like 'the goal-line technology'.
The task at hand seek to xray by  asking : how can we make a 'wrong match', 'right' ?The case of ARSENAL 6-0 Loss to CHELSEA at the Stamford Bridge on 22nd March 2014,is our  focus.
Referee Andre Marriner admitted to Arsenal that he made a mistake on Saturday by sending off Kieran Gibbs in the Gunners' 6-0 loss to Premier League leaders Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain handled a ball in the box with Arsenal already trailing 2-0 in the 17th minute, but Marriner
issued the red card to Gibbs, sending off the wrong player with Oxlade -Chamberlain appearing to tell Marriner he was the guilty party himself.
What exactly was the refree thinking? how did he manage to get himself involved in  this?
I can easily state without thinking twice  that the match should be cancelled but considering it was a difficult decision as  incidents of mistaken identity are very rare and are often the result of a number of different technical factors.
I do hope that this technical error  should be analyzed nd resolved in ernest by :*declaring such technically affected match(es) a  DRAW(s)
* Technology which is only used in the Premier League to rule on disputed goals, should equally be  involved in all cases surrounding any match irrespective of it's importance.
*According to  the Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho,referees should be allowed to base decisions on video replays;as he further opines that "The sending off is a big ammunition for people like me that
thinks that one little screen in front of the fourth official is abig help against these kinds of mistakes''
*Just as the Football Association confirmed Arsenal can appeal
Gibbs' automatic suspension, the result of the match should equally be appealed.